Monday, April 29, 2013

Wednesday, May 1

Happy May!


1. 5 minute Journal: Describe for a full five minute a seemingly uneventful moment or incident that you witnessed that had a profound effect on you.

2. Share with your peers.

3. Go the following google doc and create a poem form for William Carlos William's poem, To An Old Woman HERE. 

4. Musical Chairs Analyzation: open the following document and move from station to station independently and engage in conversation that pertains to the station. Complete the document found HERE in the time allotted.

5. Writing Assignment: Using high formal diction and write an outline addressing the following question. Worth: 25 points; 5 points for each well-executed section of your outline. Done in-class only. Another class period will may be allotted to give time to complete.

What arguable perspective on what topic via what situation does the poet convey through his poem? 


Watch the following video on scansion for Friday. Be able to identify the meter on an unseen poem.

Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Photo Credit: renata ® via Compfight cc

Wednesday, April 24, 2013


1. We went over Sonnet 130, adding the worksheet completed for homework with a different color pen.  Discussions were designed to uncover meaning in response to topics of beauty ideals and social norming.
2. We wrote a 5 minute Journal 1: Describe a beauty unappreciated. How does it make you feel?
3. We read "Composed Upon Westminster Bridge" by William Wordsworth.

Vocabulary Words: 
Shakespearean Sonnet (features of)
End Rhyme
Iambic Pentameter
Rhyme Scheme

Complete a worksheet (attempt all questions!)
**Remember, do not use the internet to uncover meaning. Allow yourself to be the first authority to uncover meaning rather than giving over that authority to an external source. To uncover meaning on your own is empowering and important for analysis.

Monday, April 15, 2013

Portfolio Help

Chapter 1 Quiz
Chapter 2 Quiz
Chapter 3 Quiz
Chapter 4 Quiz
Chapter 5 Quiz


Sample Letter:

Dear George,

There is a grievance I must share with you that has made me re-evaluate the world I live in. I have arrived at this conclusion after having watched your friendship with Lennie and I need to make it known that I do not believe your friendship with Lennie to have been one that upholds true standards of friendship. I believe that you wronged Lennie when you put a gun to his head. Call me a fundamentalist, if you will, but hear me out first.

A friend, no matter what, has the obligation of providing protecting whether by protecting a friend’s integrity or protecting their physical well being. Thus, I assign friendship to those who would not allow another to unjustly stain my name or reputation as well as those who would not allow harm to come on me in any circumstance. Anyone who allows for harm, as harm as an act of benevolence would be difficult to define, is not a friend. Death causes harm. Insult causes emotional harm. Extended and forcibly obtained isolation also causes harm. You, George, I believe, was an agent of harm in George’s life, no matter the false veil of protection that you provided him.

What do I mean, you might ask. Let me elaborate. Although you brought Lennie with you and helped him escape from Weed, one must consider how Lennie arrived in the situation of being in company with a woman he did not know. Especially having known his proclivity towards touching soft items roughly and with it being acknowledged that he had only the mental capacity that of a child or less, why was he left in such a situation? You wouldn’t leave a child with a weapon that had the potential to harm him especially when the child leaned towards touching this weapon. Why would you leave Lennie’s company unmanned and with a woman. As a matter of fact, why would you do that twice? In the case of Lennie’s encounter with Curly’s wife, you had already acknowledged that Lennie was approached by her and that interacting with her could be dangerous. Although you gave that warning to him, if it was so detrimental to achieving your dreams of having a lifelong friendship with Lennie and own private residence together, then why not prevent interaction with her at all costs? Why was he left to his own devices in the barn that fateful day? One might think of your friendship, as conversely a relationship of negligence. A child with lethal or dangerous tendencies needed more attention than you gave and exemplifies weakness of your friendship. Moreover, as stated previously, you isolated him from direct interaction with others assigning yourself as his speaking piece. By conditioning him to respond only to your commands, even to the point of not fighting back with Curly even after he lay blow after blow on Lennie’s defenseless figure, Lennie suffered the attack and then the anguish of having a jarring, delayed reaction to a beating rather than an instinctual reaction to a first attempt at attack. In his forced state of isolation brought down on him by you, he also was robbed of the company of Crooks and moreover, was shown as so very co-dependent on you that the thought of loosing you by some serendipitous route, caused Lennie great distress.

Your relationship with Lennie revealed to me many facets of friendship I did not previously consider, especially the facets of friendship that earmark a friendship that rests on a false façade. You, like the rest of the men on the farm, did not know what true friendship upholds. As Candy’s dog lost it’s value and therefore its life, so did Lennie and was sadly gunned down. The only favor you did, a sentimental gesture, was that it was you who pulled the trigger and not a stranger. Perhaps you should be commended in that, as it was a gentler manner of death than that of what Candy would have inflicted. However, inflicting death was still a irregular gesture of love, wouldn’t you say? There were other options, George that you did not take. And like the men on the farm, when you realized Lennie, in his helpless state of remaining on an unintentional, yet destructive path, would not produce anything valuable for you, you ended his life. You did not run away with him. You did not sacrifice yourself for him, which is the ultimate gesture of love. You sacrificed him and therefore, rendered yourself under the same weight of a companion-less, lonely existence where there would be an absence of the thing that made you and the other guys who go farm to farm different. By taking into your own hands the life of a companion, you have suggested that friendship also include death. And like I said before, call me a fundamentalist, but to such a belief I cannot subscribe. Perhaps when Candy meant that when he was rendered useless, others would not do him the favor of killing him, if you were able to demonstrate the true nature of friendship, you might have rebutted that the central misguided thought that plagued Candy and ultimately brought you to the kill your friend was this: Friendship and utility are disjoint concepts and when a person is rendered useless, a person with a true friend would be able to rest in the notion that their friendship was not threatened.

A concerned citizen,
Mrs. Lee

P.S. How's the cat house been treating you on yours and Lennie's combined wages? 

Thursday, April 11, 2013

Friday, April 12th

Dear Students,

I'm sorry for again missing class, but it seems that bad things come in threes, as they say. I will be away this weekend due to a family emergency. Please follow the directions below.

Have a great weekend.

Mrs. Lee

1. You have completed a test with an answer sheet. Administer your test to a partner.
2. Grade and review the test.
3. Write a reflective comment below of 150 - 200 words. What did you learn taking your partner's test in regards to OMAN? Did the test challenge you to consider aspects of the text you did not consider before? Did you feel that the test was a fair measurement of your understanding? If so, how? If not, what would better evaluate your understanding of the deeper implications of the test? What were some considerations you feel your partner should have made on behalf of you, the test taker? If you were to rewrite your test, what would you have done over again?

If you complete items 1 - 3 before the end of class, you have no homework for the weekend. Be sure to turn in the test you wrote, answer key, and the answers of your classmate of your own test stapled together.

Have a great rest of the weekend!

Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Wednesday, April 10th

Dear Students,

I'm sorry I could not be there today.  In my absence, please show better manners to the sub than you would for me, as we have the pleasure of a guest today. I know polite and kind students such as yourselves will make me proud.

1. Re-read the comments on the post on Monday, April 8th pertaining to the prompt questions. If you have not yet posted a comment, do so now keeping in mind that it must be 300 words or more.

2. After having posted your comment, comment on the posts of your peers from your class or the other section. Be sure to make a thorough response by recognizing or summarizing their sentiments as you understand it AND adding another observation that perhaps the student did not make.

3. Create an exam on OMAM that has 30 questions: 10 vocab questions, 15 short story questions, of which 7 are not related to plot, and 5 sort essay questions pertaining to topics loneliness, friendship, the American Dream, racism, misogyny or the use of setting.


Any work not finished in class is homework. Work individually and use your in-class time wisely.

Monday, April 8, 2013

Monday, April 8th


We watched the last 10 minutes of the movie and made some considerations about some of the choices made by the director (lighting, character placement, setting (use of background, water, etc.). Discussions with classmates took place and notes were taken when we heard information that extended upon our own thoughts or shed new light on the features being discussed.

Scene 1
Scene 2
Scene 3
Scene 4

Answer one of the following questions in 300 words or more pertaining to the images on this blog above. (Please forgive the rudimentary method of me taking a screenshot with my phone. Apparently iTunes does not allow for screen shots of purchased movies.)

Choose one scene and based on your in-class notes, post your answer in the comments below. You do not need to bring a hard copy of your response to class.

1. How might the director's use of light lend to creating a mood?

2. How did the director portray Lennie as a tragic figure through his use of lighting, how he positioned the actors in the scene or his creation of the setting?

3. How did the director portray George as a tragic figure through his use of lighting, how he positioned the actors in the scene or his creation of the setting?

4. What features of the scene draw the reader into the intense intimacy of the moment shared between George and Lennie? 
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